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Retirement Planning

Mature couple reviewing retirment planning documents on tablet.

Planning for retirement should start during your working years, as early as possible. Whether you are a contracted employee, a salaried employee, or a business owner, the right retirement plan should be implemented.

Types of Retirement Plans

A well-crafted retirement plan will provide you with significant tax savings. The types of retirement plans vary based on whether you are an employee, an independent contractor, or a business owner. The federal government has put several tax incentives in place to inspire workers to set aside money for retirement. The types of retirement plans include:

  • 401(k): These are company-sponsored retirement plans that allow employees to contribute to a retirement plan. The company can match funds. The contributions made to the fund are pre-tax, reducing taxable income, but will be taxed when withdrawn from the fund.
  • Roth 401(K): A Roth 401(k) involves contributions made with after-tax income, with the later withdrawals tax-free.
  • IRA: A traditional IRA allows you to contribute to a retirement fund pre-tax. You may be in a lower tax bracket after retirement, with savings.
  • Roth IRA: These funds involve contributions after tax, with the fund growing over time tax-free, along with tax-free withdrawals when you retire.
  • SEP IRA: A SEP (Simplified Employee Pension Plan) can be established for employees or self-employed individuals. Only the employer contributes to these plans, making them a popular method for retirement planning for self-employed individuals.
  • Simple IRA: These plans are for employees, and the employer may match contributions. Contributions can also be guaranteed but have lower contribution limits than some other plans.
  • Solo 401(k): These retirement plans serve business owners who have no employees. The benefits include contribution limits higher than some other individual retirement plans.
  • MultiGen: Among its many functions, MultiGen puts a sound estate strategy in place for multiple generations, granting you the ability to pass on more wealth to your family. As an added benefit, you may further reduce your estate if the value of the residual split dollar asset is lower than the book value.
  • Tri-Zen: This is a pre-tax benefit strategy that allows C-Corporations and not-for-profit organizations to offer substantially more benefits to their employees. What sets this strategy apart is not only its unique structure but the essential use of leverage. By using leverage, employers are able to offer significantly more benefits at the same cost. The financing is secured entirely by the plan, and neither the employee nor the employer must sign any loan documents.
  • Kai-Zen: This is uniquely designed to combine the advantage of leverage with the cash accumulation features of life insurance. Enhancing the potential to supplement your income, while providing more protections for you and your family. Watch this video to get more information or go to this link to get a free estimate.

Contact us for assistance with retirement planning strategies that suit your situation.

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